Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oops! Viral Take Over in Apt A

By no means would I say that my roommates and I are technologically inclined in any way so that is probably why within a two week span we had a viral take over of our apartment. It began with my computer. I accidentally downloaded some kind of virus spyware to make sure my computer was "safe" and of course it ended up being a virus that absolutely destroyed my computer. It took it about a day but it slowly took over my computer and I couldn't go to any websites without getting a warning of some kind or it would just close it all together. I wanted to throw my computer against my wall. I feel like there are many other people out there like me who do things like this everyday and have to pay a ton of money to get their computers fixed. I called around to see what it would cost to get the problem resolved because I felt stupid and didn't want to tell my boyfriend who is a CIT major and it was going to cost me around $300 to $500 to get it taken off and resolved. Needless to say I ended up asking my boyfriend to fix it and after hours of him sitting with two computers and a flash drive, he was able to resolve the problem, only for my roommate to do the same thing 2 weeks later with an even more detrimental virus then the one I had previously downloaded.

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